Quailwings has taken in scads of kittens recently
They also spay/neuter adults from the reservation territories to prevent more unwanted animals
They took in 18 pups last month, including 6 from a mama who was shot and killed
All of these animals and many more will be altered and vaccinated with Pals4Paws' grant funds
This idyliic, family-run sanctuary provides care for abused and neglected animals--this is Chad!
They care for dogs and cats as well as providing expert care to livestock animals (this is Junior)
The adorable, tame pigs act like dogs--this is Squiggy and yes, there's a Lenny!
They help greatly in educating the community about the lives of farm animals--this is Ruth
Pearl--need we say more?
Majestic and friendly Doug was happy for human company during our visit
This new rescue has already found great homes for many kittens and strays
They trap pregnant and feral mamas, spay and return
The kittens are kept in foster homes until they find the purrfect forever family
Missoula AdvoCats is doing important work to reduce the feral cat population in their area
This incredible sanctuary cares for all kinds of farm animals
They also care for dogs and cats
The animals here were frequently abused or neglected, and now receive love and lifetime care
The sanctuary provides education and therapy programs for children and adults
Even animals like Dolly the llama get the very specialized care they need
They even rescue and alter dogs abandoned in the adjacent forest, then ensure they get to reputable rescues!
Cyndi Lauper and her other donkey friends decided to chew up the wood in their shelter
Our grant will cover polylumber and other chewproof building materials
The mischievous donkeys will have a new shelter by monsoon season
This wonderful sanctuary cares for abused and elderly and medically needy animals
They care for dogs, cats, donkeys, goats, and fowl
Sweet Vincent suffered paralysis due to a spinal injury. He is already improving with vet treatments and assistive devices supported by our grant.
This rescue has saved dogs like Vincent and the others you see here from being euthanized at high-kill shelters
All of these beautiful family dogs have been given a second chance
This rescue helps all in need from kitties to kitties
They even have a hospice program for medically needy and senior pups!
Thanks to FORA, all of the pups you see and more are on their way to new homes in WA state
FORA has made huge gains in reducing euthanasia of adoptable animals in their area (NM has the highest in the country)!
This volunteer group also does a tremendous amount of work for animal welfare such as spay and neuter and basic vet care
They foster and partner with other rescues locally and out of state to save so many lives!
This tiny new rescue was strapped with a huge vet bill for heartworm treatment of this sweet pup named Pig.
Pals4Paws' grant will cover Pig's bill and vet care for other rescue pups!
The pups at this small rescue are all from overcrowded shelters and would be at risk of euthanasia
This all volunteer group rescues adoptable dogs like Anouk, destined for euthanasia in high-kill shelters
Mama Sandy and her babies are now safe from death row thanks to this rescue!
All of the pups you see here and more will benefit from our grant funds
Wonder pup was rescued from the side of a cliff! This rescue takes on dogs with all types of needs
Mama and pups saved!
This tiny rescue saves at-risk dogs, cats and mamas and babies from the county shelter
Our grant will provide food and basic supplies for these kittens, puppies and more until they are adopted
The founder of this rescue alone has saved 25 lives so far this year!
Sweet Roxy is getting food and vet care from our funds while she waits for her furrever home
These very ill 2-3 week old chocolate puppies were saved from a high kill shelter in Texas. They were malnourished, worm and tick infested
One Dog Rescue has been feeding puppy formula by hand
The chocolate litter has required extensive vet care and expensive formula that our grant will help with
The pups are now growing and thriving thanks to this tiny rescue!
Happy Raymond is looking for his family and will receive food and care from our grant
Our friends at Josie's Misfit Ranch were overwhelmed by vet bills last month and reached out for help
Beautiful Ari is one 20 kittens taken in last month
Our grant will help with care including spay and neuter surgeries for the kittens
This rescue saves seniors and medically needy animals from high-kill shelters
We deeply appreciate their difficult work in an area of our state where the animals have it ruff!
We were able to raise $4k in funds for vet care through a community match grant
Sweet Cinder was rescued last month with severe injuries (we are avoiding the initial graphic pics)
Cinder had a shattered right femur and torn up ear, likely from riding in a car engine and being caught in the fan. Cinder needed an amputation and other vet care, and is recovering well in foster care, climbing, snuggling, and purring! Our grant covered the surgical bill
This rescue cares for. many needy dogs and cats
They help stray animals as well as owner surrenders and animal control cases
They serve an overpupulated area, and these are just a few of the animals they've saved
This all-volunteer rescue fosters tame cats and kittens and alters and returns ferals
Saved by FOF from behind a trash compactor at Home Depot!
Our grant covers alter surgeries, vaccines and disease testing
This rescue provides care for hundreds of kitties every year, all with volunteers!
Jess is one of so many tiny kittens and puppies saved by HOME Rescue! She survived her severe eye infection and is awaiting eye removal surgery covered by our grant. She is playful and spunky!
Our grant will also cover spay and neuter surgeries for many puppies and kittens recently taken in by HOME Rescue
This tiny, all volunteer rescue cared for more than 135 rescue, hospice and sanctuary cats and dogs last year alone!
Thank you for continuing to support Pals4Paws and these amazing small rescues!
Mouse, a senior Maltese, was used for breeding, then discarded at age. 10. Even though she was sick, the sanctuary took her in
Mouse was found to have pancreatic insufficiency, and is being treated and doing well, soon to be adoptable!
The sanctuary also cares for 11 "unadaptable" cats who looked happy and healthy hanging out together
Our grant will provide toys, cat scratchers, trees, ad kitty fun galore! This sanctuary also cares for hospice cats and dogs
The majority of animals at this sanctuary are abuse and neglect cases
10-and 16-year old Baby and Bailey were saved from euthanasia after their owner died. Our grant enabled this by helping with vet care
Our grant will help with veterinary needs and medications for the seniors you see here and many more cared for by Dogwood Acres
This rescue kept the seniors safe and loved while managing in the wake of Hurricaine Helene
Pals4Paws also sent food and supplies following the hurricane
Mama Janie and Uncle Jake were kept by their owner in a closed shed with no ventilation or lighting for over a year. Living in inches of their own feces, occasionally thrown bits of food, these dogs suffered isolation on top of the filth and starvation. Janie was briefly out in the yard and became pregnant, giving birth to the pups here.
They all lived in disgusting grime, nearly starving, and alone, until the owner decided to sell them all to a dog fighting ring. With no fosters or funding, Wags and Wiggles still stepped in to help these desperate dogs, saving them from a horrible. fate. Now they are thriving and our grant will help with their veterinary needs.
Our grant helped with vet care, including spaying these sweet piggies
This volunteer-run sanctuary takes great care to meet every animal's needs, including having Donatello the tortoise as a companion for Jake, the deaf, blind senior pig
This beautiful sanctuary is home to many different types of farm animals
The animals here come auctions or homes that were unable to care for them
After: Beautiful Pearl after being rescued from euthanasia due to her "shyness" at a high-kill shelter
Pearl prior to being saved...the fear in her eyes is clear. Now she's a happy girl!
Zorro was also rescued from euthanasia and will soon be neutered
All of these deserving pups will be altered and adoptable thanks to Creature Keeper and our grant!